Being disorganized is one of the biggest problems with Attention Deficit Disorder. Everything seems to get lost. ADHD students can struggle for hours with a homework assignment, then fail to turn it in. They can be so disorganized that they cannot find it in their own backpacks! They need your help! This is classic “working memory” deficits on display. But …
Presenting Your Lessons to Teenagers with ADHD
Present Your Lessons to Grab Attention ADHD students are easily bored, even by you. Here are some ideas to help you present your lessons in ways that even students with Attention Deficit Disorder will love. Get excited about your lesson! And communicate your excitement to your students! The more exciting a subject is to an ADD ADHD students, the better …
Room Set Up : ADHD Teenagers
With ADHD students a good rule is “the fewer distractions the better.” We want ADHD students to be able to pay attention to the right thing and the right time. Here are several ideas to help you, and your students with Attention Deficit Disorder. The best ideas are the one’s that benefit all of the students in the classroom, not …
Consistency of Performance Elem
ADHD in School: Consistent Performance and ADHD Students Students with ADHD can benefit greatly from behavioral interventions that are sensitive to their processing style. An individualized plan that emphasizes stimulating reinforcers on a consistent basis has a good chance of success. Consequences and reinforcement should be as immediate as possible. Changing the reward periodically is usually necessary. A major consideration …
Increasing Compliance in Your Classroom Elem
ADHD in School: Increasing Compliance Behavior that is rewarded tends to re-occur. Reward appropriate behaviors, and they will tend to re-occur. But if you reward inappropriate behaviors - guess what will happen… Tips to Improve Compliance with ADHD Students
Improving Social Skills Elem
ADHD in School: Social Skills Many ADHD Students have significant deficits in social skills - particularly those that are impulsive or hyperactive. Often ADHD students are seen as being too loud, too pushy, even obnoxious. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can help them to be more successful. Improving Social Skills with ADHD Students Students with attentional …
Decreasing Impulsive Behaviors in the Classroom Elem
ADHD in School: Self-Control and Focus Behaviors that are rewarded tend to re-occur. Reward and Promote Self-Control, never reward impulsivity. Students with ADHD tend to act impulsively, not thinking about the consequences first. Dealing With Impulsive Behaviors in ADHD Students One of the hallmarks of children with attention deficits is the tendency to act impulsively (acting before thinking through the …
Increasing Time on Task Elem
ADHD in School: Focus and Time on Task Behaviors that are rewarded tend to re-occur. Reward and Promote Time on Task, never reward time “off-task”. Students with ADHD have difficulty sustaining focus to the completion of a task, unless it is really interesting. Increasing Your ADHD Student’s Time on Task One of the problems with ADHD is a “Working Memory” …
Organizing Your Classroom for ADHD Students Elem
ADHD in School: Organization of the Elementary School Classroom Have you ever found weeks worth of homework assignments in your ADHD students desk, shoved ‘way in the back? If you have, then you want to read this section. Parents, does your ADHD student spend two hours at home working, crying, whining, and then working to finally complete a fifteen minute homework …
Tests : Tips and Helpful Ideas Elem
ADHD in Elementary School: Giving Tests to ADHD Students Every elementary school teacher gives students tests. Here are a few tips that might help with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder “ADHD” students. Just a few changes can help your ADHD students a lot! Testing Strategies for ADHD
Worksheets for ADHD Students Elem
ADHD in Elementary School: Worksheet Tips Every elementary school teacher uses worksheets. Learn how they can best be used with elementary school aged students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder “ADHD”. Just a few changes can help your ADHD students a lot! ADHD in Class: Using Worksheets in Elementary School
Presenting Your Lessons Elem
ADHD in Elementary School: Presenting Your Lessons Remember that Elementary School students with ADHD are easily bored, even by you. Here are several ideas to help ADHD students pay attention to the right thing at the right time. Presenting Your Lessons to ADHD Students
Room Set-Up : Elementary School : ADHD
ADHD in School: Room Set-Up With ADHD students a good rule is “the fewer distractions the better.” We want ADHD students to be able to pay attention to the right thing and the right time. Here are several ideas to help you, and your students with Attention Deficit Disorder. Your Room Set-Up and ADHD Students