ADHD students are easily distracted from one task by another task. And rarely do they return to the first task to finish it. ADHD is a deficit in focusing and working on one thing until it is completed. Since ADHD students are usually easily distracted and easily bored, it is a good idea to set up your classroom in such …
Organizing Your Classroom for Teen ADHD Students
Being disorganized is one of the biggest problems with Attention Deficit Disorder. Everything seems to get lost. ADHD students can struggle for hours with a homework assignment, then fail to turn it in. They can be so disorganized that they cannot find it in their own backpacks! They need your help! This is classic “working memory” deficits on display. But …
Increasing Time on Task Elem
ADHD in School: Focus and Time on Task Behaviors that are rewarded tend to re-occur. Reward and Promote Time on Task, never reward time “off-task”. Students with ADHD have difficulty sustaining focus to the completion of a task, unless it is really interesting. Increasing Your ADHD Student’s Time on Task One of the problems with ADHD is a “Working Memory” …