ADHD students are easily distracted from one task by another task. And rarely do they return to the first task to finish it. ADHD is a deficit in focusing and working on one thing until it is completed. Since ADHD students are usually easily distracted and easily bored, it is a good idea to set up your classroom in such …
Consistency of Performance Elem
ADHD in School: Consistent Performance and ADHD Students Students with ADHD can benefit greatly from behavioral interventions that are sensitive to their processing style. An individualized plan that emphasizes stimulating reinforcers on a consistent basis has a good chance of success. Consequences and reinforcement should be as immediate as possible. Changing the reward periodically is usually necessary. A major consideration …
Increasing Time on Task Elem
ADHD in School: Focus and Time on Task Behaviors that are rewarded tend to re-occur. Reward and Promote Time on Task, never reward time “off-task”. Students with ADHD have difficulty sustaining focus to the completion of a task, unless it is really interesting. Increasing Your ADHD Student’s Time on Task One of the problems with ADHD is a “Working Memory” …