ADHD: More Ideas for ADHD Students in Elementary School
Use dark black print. (Avoid handwritten worksheets or tests.)
Use off-white or buff-colored paper rather than white if the room's lighting creates a glare on white paper.
Write clear, simple directions.
Underline key direction words or vocabulary or have the students underline these words as you read directions with them.
Draw borders around parts of the page you want to emphasize.
Divide the page into sections and use a system to cover sections not currently being used.
If possible, use different colors on worksheets or tests for emphasis , particularly on those involving rote, potentially boring work.
Have the students use colored pens or pencils.
Give frequent short quizzes and avoid long tests.
Provide practice tests.
Provide alternative environments with fewer distractions for test taking.
Using a tape recorder, have the ADD ADHD student record test answers and assignments or give the student oral examinations.
Shorten assignments. If the attention deficit student can demonstrate adequate concept mastery in 10 or 20 questions, don't require 30-40 problems.
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