ADHD Students are Easily Bored...
Your attention deficit student will respond better to situations that he finds stimulating and engaging. Varying the instructional medium and pace will help sustain his interest.
Your ADD ADHD elementary school aged student would probably find lessons that emphasize "hands-on" activities highly engaging.
Keeping the time required for sustained attention on task balanced with more active learning will improve his performance.
Use cooperative learning activities, particularly those that assign each child in a group a specific role or piece of information that must be shared with the group.
Develop learning stations and clear signals and procedures for how students transition from one center to another.
Use game-like activities, such as "dictionary scavenger hunts," to teach appropriate use of reference/resource materials.
Interact frequently (verbally and physically) with your attention deficit student. Use the ADD ADHD student's name in your lesson presentation. Write personal notes to the student about key elements of the lesson.
Pair students to check work.
Provide peer tutoring to help ADD ADHD student's review concepts. Let ADHD students share recently learned concepts with struggling peer.
When presenting a large volume of information on the chalkboard, use colored chalk to emphasize key words or information.
Changes in instructor's voice level and variation in word-pacing will also increase his attention during instruction.
Make sure that your Attention Deficit elementary school student establishes eye contact when receiving direction/instruction. This will improve his understanding and follow-through on the task.
Your ADD ADHD student will be more successful when given directions one step at a time. When a series of instructions are given, retention beyond the first direction is difficult.
Combine verbal directions with illustrations or demonstrations of the desired task.
The use of multiple modes of instruction increases the probability of successful learning of the task.
After giving your attention deficit student directions, have him paraphrase what the teacher has said. This will increase his comprehension and provide an opportunity to check for understanding.
Your ADD ADHD student may tend to want to be "the first one done" on assignments. Set reasonable accuracy goals with him and collect the entire group's work at once to reduce time pressures. for elementary school |