Dallas working hard with our house
building team
in Mexico

More great resources on ADHD for parents and teachers:
The ADD Information Library at NewIdeas.net
500 ADHD Links
The Complete ADD Bookstore site
The Better Focus for ADHD Eating Program
Powerful and Effective Ritalin Alternative |

About ADDinSchool
Doug Cowan, Psy.D. with his beautiful wife of 25 years, and their youngest son Grant in the 1000 Islands region of Canada.
Who We Are, What We Do...
In 1995 Dr. Doug Cowan, then a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in the assessment and treatment of ADHD children, teens, and adults, wrote the first of the ADD Information Library web sites at NewIdeas.net. He simply took the information that he'd acquired over the years and put it on the web for all to see.
Over the years he added other sites to address specific needs. First was ADDinSchool.com to provide information to teachers on classroom interventions for ADHD students. Then came ADD-Products.com where he put the results of his studies on the effectivness of Attend, a natural medicine alternative to Ritalin (Dr. Cowan had been asked by VAXA International, the makers of Attend, to see if the product actually worked and if so how well, before they began to market the product. Dr. Cowan performed the studies for 18 months from 1995-1996 and as posted his results for all to see.)
After these sites came Attentiondeficitdisorder.ws, a directory of hundreds of web sites on ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and related situations. Then came ADD101.com for parents, and a site on the different types of ADHD at MyADDChild.com.
Each year we have more and more parents and teachers use our sites. Last year over 300,000 used these web resources. We hope it all was helpful.
We also have a newsletter that we'd encourage you to sign up for.
Our Staff
We do not have a big staff. Its just us.
Dr. Cowan is retired as a therapist, and now serves full time as a Pastor of Family and Student Ministries at a church in central California. He is able to lead Marriage Retreats, Family Camps, trips to Mexico to build houses, seminars for parents and teens, and all types of great events. He still does lots of counseling, serving both his church and the community. And he keeps his hand in the "professional ADHD world" by managing the web sites in his "spare time."
His recently married daughter keeps the newsletters running. Many of you readers have visited our web sites since 1995 and have had glimpses of the family as the years have gone by. Amber is married to a great young man, and is finishing school to become a family therapist like dad. And yes, dad got to perform the wedding.
Son Dallas is helping with web upkeep as a senior in high school, and youngest son Grant is now four. Many of our readers will remember when Grant was born, and Dr. Cowan had been seriously ill with pneumonia. Its all good now.
Of course we have lots of great friends from around the world that contribute content, ideas, and wisdom to keep all of the sites up and running and making a contribution to the lives of so many people - over 1,000,000 at this point. Amazing. |
If you'd like to contact us, please do so either by email or by USMail:
27400 Oakflat Drive
Tehachapi, CA 93561

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Information is presented by ADDinSchool.com and the ADD ADHD Information Library's family of web sites. The information presented is for educational purposes only, and is not meant to replace appropriate medical advice. Always consult your physician or health care provider.
The information on this site may be printed and distributed to teachers and parents without obtaining the permission of the owners, as long as you refer to this web site specifically, and mention that the interventions are from our staff, and from other teachers.
Not one word on this site may be used for any commercial purposes without express written permission of the owners of the site: ADD ADHD in School.
Find Hundreds of
Classroom Interventions,
Tips, and Tricks,
for Elementary School
in this section here.

Find Hundreds of
Classroom Interventions,
Tips, and Tricks,
for High School and
Middle School students
in this section here.

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can find resources and
ideas, and SHARE YOUR
IDEAS and experience
with other teachers.
ADD ADHD in School . com